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What to buy insurance protection? Whom to buy more appropriate?
Time:2011-10-08    Browse:3804
Why did I buy the insurance, the insurance company can give me what coverage it? That depends on your insurance company to determine coverage conditions.
In general, insurance companies underwriting of general cargo are all risks. Of some special goods or to a special place, it is necessary in all insured risks in particular additional risks (6 species) or special additional insurance (2 species), and some will do the letter of credit letter of credit specified under terms.
All insurance coverage are: A. due to bad weather, lightning, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters caused total loss of goods in bulk or constructive total loss; stranded, sunk, collisions with water or other objects collision, fire, explosion, etc.; B. loading, unloading or transit of goods as a whole into the sea or of all or part of the loss caused; C. port of refuge, an intermediate port by the discharge, storage and transportation of goods produced by special charges; common general average sacrifice, points to push and relief costs; under the "ship collision" provisions from the cargo ship to repay the losses rescue

Costs D. 1. Theft, delivery vain risk 2. Fresh rain insurance 3. Short amount of risk 4. Mixed, contamination risk 5. Leakage risk 6. Collision damage, breakage 7. Chuanwei risk 8. Damp heat Insurance 9 . hook damage insurance 10 11 package rupture risk. rust damage insurance additional 11 kinds of general insurance)
However, some characteristics of the goods themselves, insurance companies will cover some general cargo cover all risks at add some terms removed, except if broken, except for some rust damage, and some mildew, oxidation, odor except, etc., or because more complex international environment, some chaotic war-torn countries or places other than theft, would, or is not appropriate height deductible plus remove terms. The underwriting criteria based on the type of goods, transport means, by the destination, and amount of the value of the size, and even packaging to determine the size of the risk, so best to buy insurance, the insurance company with expertise or professional sales agents It would be better to buy, they will have more professional guidance or advice, they will advise you what to buy insurance, do not add insurance to any insurance or your shipment to what insurance companies underwriting conditions. Lest you get to buy insurance do not know what to protect, or because you are forwarding it to buy, most of the freight due to the relative lack of knowledge in this area, caused him and you are unaware of certain situations, so do not buy the most appropriate insurance and greater coverage as possible, or purchase of inappropriate claims to escape from danger when it came to issues of family disputes and so on. Of course, I do not mean not forwarding it to buy not say, friends do not want to freight forwarding me wrong.
Whom insurance is appropriate?
Some people said, go to agent, some people said, go to the insurance company, which some people say that they can find cheaper prices which, in fact, looks like that are reasonable, but it is best to find affordable and professional knowledge of the insurance business professional staff or insurance agent. Buy at freight forwarding some people say that s easier (in fact, buy your own insurance company is looking to provide under the bill of lading and invoices, check some of the input data so simple), but his price and expertise may be as good as the insurance company's professional Agents have an advantage, some of the insurance policy and claims issues, relatively speaking, most of the freight is not very clear, such as what time a risk
Waiting to report? How to report? What this information to prepare claims, most of these simple procedures are not always clear freight forwarding, if operation is not appropriate because it would affect a claim even greater trouble.
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